Sewdrops Decoration

Bloom & Sew for Spring – Apr. 2020

Wednesday 1st April 2020

Hi Everyone,

Hope you’re all okay. Before I tell you about all the nice things to look forward to this month, I would just like to take a moment to update you all on our online delivery service.

LAST UPDATED 01/04/2020 – Currently, our online delivery service is still operating fine, so you will be able to continue ordering from our website, and orders will be dispatched and sent out to customers as soon as possible. Usually, we aim for all orders to reach our customers in between 2-5 working days, however, due to current circumstances, some orders may take a little longer to get to you. I also want to reassure you that we will be carefully following government guidelines and health regulations throughout. However, if in the coming days/weeks we get any further restrictions, then things may need to change. But I will keep you all informed and updated as much as I possibly can.

I really hope that Sew-Drops can continue during these worrying times, and I (like many others) hope that things will get better soon. Stay safe and well everyone x

Do you remember in my March Blog when I mentioned about the mental and therapeutic benefits of sewing and how it can help you to switch off from everyday stress and worries? Well, I think now more than ever that’s something we all really need to do. As human beings we are pretty good at getting creative during unexpected situations like this or else we face the prospect of getting, dare I say it…bored. We need to find and do things to keep our minds active over the coming months, things to keep you and your loved-ones busy and pro-active whilst we’re all stuck at home. I’ve recently seen the hashtag #stayhomeandsew trending on Instagram and though none of us wish to remain in lockdown forever, now is the opportunity to work on any crafting and sewing-based projects that you’ve wanted to get done (but just haven’t had the time to do).

I’m going to take the time to look through my sewing books and have a go at some new projects – who knows, if they turn out really good, you may see them appearing on our website in the future (fingers crossed). Also, some of you may remember back in Summer 2019 that I started creating a sample of the ‘Mouse Family Felt Craft Kit’ by Corinne Lapierre (available on our website), however, because I’ve been so busy with other things over the last few months, I only ever got round to making 1 out of the 4 mice. Well, 2020 is going to be the year that the Mouse Family will be made! As well as doing all that, I will of course be continuing to prepare, package and send out all your lovely online orders from our website ?

Speaking of which, we’ve recently added some NEW products to our website over the last week of March. At the beginning of last week, we said ‘HELLO’ to the USA brand, Art Gallery Fabrics with their Color Master Designer’s Palette Fat Quarter Collector’s Boxes made from 100% premium cotton (available now on our website).

We also introduced a whole NEW type of product category, Books & Patterns, and said another ‘HELLO’ to Sewing Patterns by Mrs. H, whose patterns will take your bag making skills to the next level! It would also be great to pair up these patterns with our different fabric ranges available on our website – with each paper pattern available, we’ve added a ‘back-cover’ image which lists all the fabrics quantities you would need for each individual project.

Last month we also had our ‘Spring Surprise Offer’ of 20% off all Liberty Fabric Collections (which ended yesterday 31.03.2020) – be sure to check back on our website (or on our social media pages) for more incredible offers and discounts over the coming months.

Finally, at the end of this month we are hoping to be getting another NEW fabric collection…this time from Lewis & Irene! The ‘Thalassophile’ Collection will (touch wood) be available to order on our website at the end of April/Early May 2020, but you will be able to view the collection in our ‘Coming Soon’ section as of today.   

Well that’s all for April’s blog, thank you all so much for reading – we’ve got lots more to look forward to next month, just you wait and see ?

Thanks for all your support and please keep safe and well xx

Best Wishes,
Rebecca x

Sewdrops Decoration
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